Monday, October 1, 2012

Relevant to absolutely nothing

At this point in time (2012) there's a TV show on called "Once" - it's in its second season, and it's very watchable. 
Look it up, you'll love it. 
However, here's what my rant is about. 
The chain of ownership as it were, goes something like this... the TV show is produced under the auspices of the network, in this case ABC. 
Well, ABC is owned by Disney. 
And Disney, being the power that they are, have invested heavily in this production. 
To the point that you can play a game in spotting the Disney 'easter egg" in a scene. 
Honestly, that doesn't bother me, it simply demonstrates the power of the Rat. 

The premise of the show is that in another dimension/reality, all the stories we grew up hearing, (and coincidentally watching, courtesy of Disney Studios) Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, etc. actually happened. 
And because Snow White's Evil Stepmother was a Wicked Queen, she cast a Curse that brought everyone in the land from that world into ours. With one one knew who they were before. 
Okay, I'm really glossing over the finer points, however think of it as learning the back story for all the childhood stories you heard, like Little Red Riding Hood. (Trust me, you'll never think of her the same way again after you see her episode.) All were plausible because they were the stories you grew up with. 
Well, Disney has managed to jump the shark in the second season. 
And on the first episode as well. 

So, just for the record, two things.
1. Mulan is a Disney creation. Her character may have been an amalgamation of a number of Oriental legends, however the character itself is a Disney property. 
2. Mulan had no part in the legend of Sleeping Beauty. 

Okay, off my soapbox however I will continue to watch this show. It's wonderful and I advise you to dust off the DVD's and find my copies. 

Love you Andrea & Aiden 

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