Tuesday, January 20, 2015

As the Cauldron Bubbles

So, today's dentist visit was extra special fun. 
Seems I have a blocked salivary gland, and got an emergency referral to an oral surgeon. 
Both dentist and surgeon weren''t happy about me dealing with it for about 2 weeks without attention beyond my OTC remedies. 
So he's (surgeon) treating with drugs for 2 weeks to see what happens, and if no change then it's biopsy. Yay me. 
He also adjusted my partial so it's not fucking with it as much. 
So now I'm on antibiotics for 10 days, along with an oral steroid cream that apparently insurance won't cover or doesn't cover without preauthorization. At $78 a tube.  
I told the pharmacist I'll make do with Orajel at $5 a tube first but to try for the cream. 

Don't ever get old. It sucks, and not in the happy spanky way. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Ok. Here's the pitch. 
In making chopped liver, I'm supposed to saute the chicken livers and onions in something called schmaltz, which is a kosher cooking fat made from rendered chicken skin.
First thing, because it's Kosher, it's pricey. And honestly, how many times am I going to make chopped liver? 
What I have, however, is a bunch of sliced, smoked jowl pieces... I was planning on using them to doctor the canned greens and peas I have...
So I'm thinking of rendering some of that to get the cooking fat, it'll be another layer of flavor and face it, there never was going to be anything kosher about this from the get go. 

I'm planning on sauteing the livers in the fat, with onions and garlic, and Gods help me, curry. 
Then I'll pulse them in the food processor and bang, I have chopped liver spread. 
Wish me luck. 

I wanted to get the recipe down, which is why I'm posting this. 


Ok  so I took the fatback, cooked to a crisp, drained it and ran it through the food processor until it was a paste. 
Cooked the onions down, then pulled them out of the pan. Added more fatback and rendered it down, pulled it to drain. 
Added the chicken livers and cooked them with the spice mixture salt, pepper, garlic, curry, ginger and pinch of dry mustard. 
When done, added back the onions and cooked for another 3 min. 
Then I took the chicken liver/onion mixture and spooned it into the food processor, added 3 hard boiled eggs rough chopped. 
Pulsed it a couple of times, and voila, chicken liver spread. 
OMG it's fabulous.I have it chilling in the frig right now. 

Oh, and for the record, curry and chicken liver go together like peanut and butter. 
Well, curry, salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, dry mustard and good old fashioned pork renderings. . 
It's so good your Uncle Bobby would eat it and he hates liver.  
Of course, you couldn't tell him before you fed it to him, but he'd like it after the fact.