Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Happy Birthday, Jessica!  I'm posting this a day early, and even though you *swear* you read the blog, I know you really don't.  It doesn't matter, although I'm going to harangue you about it especially after this post, because you're going to be dissapointed that I haven't sent a card or acknowledged your birthday aside from a call. 
Suprise, this is your gift from me.  It's not much, but it'll last longer than a card or any other gift I could send, and it's from the heart.
I want you to know just how much you mean to me - something I've probably hinted at, and you might have an idea of, but never fully realized.
As you know, I don't have any human children and won't. That's why you're so special to me.  When your father and I met and I found out that he had a daughter, you weren't as much a part of my life as you've become over the years since - it's been over 16 years since we first met, and I've honestly never been happier to have you in my life.  (Even though at that first meeting, you were far more interested in your gaming system than you were in dealing with me)
I know I've only been a peripheral fixture to the events of your life, however I know you've come to realize that my love for you is as real as your father's - you've accepted me as a psuedo Uncle, and allowed me the privileged indulgence of "adopting" your daughter as my grandchild. 
That in and of itself means more to me than you will ever know, however that's not what this is about.  This is about what you mean to me.  
I've always thought of you as more than just a niece, you've always been something of a daughter to me too, although I haven't had to shoulder the responsibilities of parenthood that Don, Lisa and Joe have.  I guess missing out on those responsibilities was for the best, as my tendency has always been to simply spoil you (and now Andrea) and the only thing my interference in any crisis would have done would have further screwed up whatever was happening, and probably not for the better.  
Case in point, trying to get you down here to Atlanta.  I'll be honest, that's still my selfish goal.  I'd love to have you and Andrea and Chris down here so I could have more time with all of you.
But that's something that will remain my selfish wish, not something that I honestly forsee happening - however I can always hope, and will continue to wish for it, despite what in reality is best for you.  (But let me hit the lottery and you're not going to have a choice in the matter!)
Anyway, I just want you to know that I love you and I miss you and Andrea, and Chris, and you forever have a place in my heart. 
So, before I get even *more* maudlin, let me close by saying that I hope you have the best birthday ever, and that each subsequent one improves on the previous by light years. 
I love you.
Uncle Aldy
(to Andrea - I'm still Grandpa Merlin to you)

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