Thursday, January 3, 2013

Shakira's big reprieve

Took Shakira in today for his neuter, and discovered that there may be an issue. 
For starters, he hasn't "dropped" yet. Not such a big thing, he's still a kitten. 
Although the vet did mention that he only felt one testicle, meaning the other literally, hasn't dropped into the scrotum yet. 
At this point, not a big deal. He's scheduled now to go back in a month, at which time I'm hoping that nature has taken its course, and everything is where it's supposed to be. 
However, if it hasn't, then what would be a relatively minor surgical procedure becomes complicated because an undescended testicle means additional surgery. 
Anyway, he got a reprieve. 

Took him back a month later, and he went through the procedure - so he's fixed. Yay! 
And he's undergone a name change... he's now known as Sharky, or occasionally, the Sharkster. 
That's because he bites. It's play biting, so you're forewarned. 
I don't know when you're going to meet him, but I know at some point you & Aiden will. 

Another update: 
He's not such a biter anymore, at least to me. 
Cleo on the other hand can be mouthy.  

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