Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh happy day !!

The greatest (okay, to clarify, your arrival is a completely separate category, Andrea) thing happened today while I was at work.
I answered the phone and got the shock of my life when it turned out to be AT&T calling about an application I'd submitted about 4+ months ago. They're *very* interested in hiring me, and I have my interview this coming Monday at 10am.
This would honestly be my dream job. Even though I'm in the South and was born here, for me union is *not* a dirty word.
The position is for an outside tech (ie installer) in the Norcross area - provided the money is right (and I'm fervently praying it will be, as I won't leave my current job for a pay cut or a lateral move) then they're talking about having me start classes (formal training - there's a novel idea for you) September 5th.
Given that it's currently August 21st, and the interview is set for August 25th, that'd give me a little less than a two week notice for the current job.
And I can guarantee that should I leave, it won't go over well at all.
Especially when my supervisor has to give up her cushy little self created 11-7 shift to come and work 3 - 11 side by side with my co-worker. And I sincerely doubt they will be able to maintain the current rotation of 10 days on, 4 days off, 5 days on 2 days off. I can easily foresee that changing to a straight 5 day workweek.
And believe me, working with the Box O'Rocks isn't easy at all.
Currently none of the other people who work in this department (aside from said supervisor and management) have any idea how I put up with him. The supervisor and the manager both say that the issues I have are all my creation, however that theory will be put to the test should I leave.
But I can honestly say, I don't care.
Wow. Day shift and more money.
That's the reason I've worked 2nd and 3rd shift all these years - because of the differential - and now to not need it. Wow.
Oh happy day!!

1 comment:

sprinkles said...

Congrats and good luck with the interview!