Saturday, August 30, 2008

Not so happy day (or, addendum to Oh Happy Day!)

Well, did the interview, did the physical, and they ended up offering me top dollar.
Unfortunately, their top dollar would have meant a pay cut for me, so I didn't take it.
Additionally, it's non union at this time, meaning that should it become a union position when the current contract expires in August of 2009, there would probably have been issues related to that.
The job search half heartedly continues.

1 comment:

sprinkles said...

Sorry things didn't work out for you quite the way you wanted them too. That sux!

I recently took a job with a $2 an hour paycut.

My boss at my former job was an ass, to put it nicely, and one day I'd just had it so I just got up and walked out.

The job I have now I hate but had to take it because I'd been without work for 7 months and couldn't pay the bills.

Good luck w/ your job search, I hope it turns out better than mine.