Friday, July 10, 2009


Unusual title, I know... however let me explain - the other day, when I was headed to Grandpa Don's house I got pulled over and got a ticket.

In the process of getting the ticket, the officer informed me that there was an outstanding warrant for my arrest out of Miami/Dade in Florida.
Given that the last time I was there was about 5 years ago for the Tut exhibit with Grandpa Don, and before that my last visit was some 20 years prior, this completely floored me.

Unfortunately, the only information the officer would give me was that it was a warrant out of Miami/Dade and suggested that I call down there to get details.

Since I was seeing Blake in a couple of days, I waited to talk to him prior to calling the Miami/Dade police department - however Blake's only suggestion was that I contact our cousin Darryl, since he was also a lawyer and licenced to practice in Florida.

I called down to the Miami/Dade PD, and was informed that short of coming in person to verify my identity, I could go to a local police department, prove my identity and have them tell me what the deal was - of course, this wasn't an option, since with an outstanding warrant, I'd end up being arrested and possibly held for extradition down to Florida. This wasn't going to happen.

I did manage to find out that a lawyer could get this information for me, and so that's what I'm trying to do - get Darryl to find out what the hell this is all about, and I'll deal with it if it's valid.
So, in the space of a couple of days, I'm attempting to reestablish contact with relatives I haven't spoken to in decades.

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