Friday, September 21, 2012

1st shots today

Shakira went in for her first shots today - she's not scheduled for another series for a month, then she gets her final kitten series a month after that. 

Here she is just before the shot: 

She's still so tiny! And such a hellion! She loves to be held and loves to fight. 

Here she is getting her first shot: 

Now for a day of the groggies. I don't know what it is or how it's caused, but it seems that whenever an infant (human or animal) gets their first vaccination, mind you completely sedative free, simply an anti-viral, they get an overwhelming urge to sleep. 
Thus, the groggies. 

And I managed to find another premium brand of canned kitten food, Fancy Feast, so I got a couple of cans for a degree of variety. 
Unless of course I find that I'm happier with the Iams. 
In which case, I'm sorry, health overrules variety. Iams exclusively. Stable stomach, regular healthy diet, and all is right with the world. 

I also bought a new cat tree today - it's been years since I've had one, because I got rid of the last one because Cleo got too big for it.  

Seriously, as stable as that thing is, she can manage to rock it if she runs up it full tilt. 
Of course, she's now 10 so I don't exactly think running up the cat tree full tilt is exactly an option.

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