Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Greetings from the Void

Hi Andrea and Aiden... it's Grandpa Merlin.
Yeah, I'm still around, at this moment doing a whole restructuring thing. Hard to explain, you'd have to be here. But no matter what, ya'll are in my heart.

Even though I'm beyond horrible about the whole blog thing.

But right now you're up in the mid-west with your mom & dad. That's a whole other kettle of fish.
But to fill you in on what's happened, Polgara has also passed. I was too depressed at the time to even consider a blog post announcing it.
Her Royal Highness, Cleopatra, Queen of Denial, has had to deal with being a solitary cat ever since. This is an experience she's never had... her entire existence has had Polgara, her partner in crime, involved.
Needless to say, she's become my shadow while I'm in the house.
Charming, but annoying after a couple of months.
Well, into this staid existence I am about to plunk a 5 week old kitten.
Herself hasn't yet told me her name, but that's fine. I saw her and fell in love.
Right now she's at the vet, or rather, as we say here, the spa, who's given her a clean bill of health. I pick her up in the morning, and then she goes for about a week of isolation and introduction before she's allowed into the general population at large so to speak.
I'm nervous about this because this is the first animal I've introduced into the household in 9 years.
And it's a baby at that.
But oh my Goddess she's gorgeous. And if this picture I'm trying to get from my phone to the computer ever gets here, I'll have a picture to show.
And thanks to Google store, I have that picture.
I must confess that I'm giving serious thought to going back for her litter mate tomorrow. I'll let you know.
Anyway, it's 5.30 am and I need to get to bed.
I love you and I swear I'll write more.

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