Monday, November 19, 2007

Finished - the painting is done

Well, it's taken 3 days, but the painting is now done, and in addition I have replaced the verticals at the back/patio door.
The only issue I'm having with the new paint job is that there's too much of it. (The color that is)
It's the same issue I have with white walls - it's too blank.
Getting the artwork back up and moving the furniture around will help I'm sure, but I can't help but think in terms of an accent wall just to keep things interesting.
I got an Oops paint for the laundry room, about 2 shades lighter than the peanut butter I have in the rest of the downstairs. The only issue is that there's only one gallon of it, and frankly the laundry room has priority.
I'll think of something once the art's up and the rooms are back to functional.
More later.

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