Saturday, November 24, 2007


Lets see - I started life raised as a Conservative Jew, (the reason that Conservative is capitalized is because there are considered to be 3 "traditions" in Judaism - Orthodox, Conservative and Reform - it has absolutely nothing to do with political views) -

From early childhood, I knew something was different about me - strange things happening around me, knowing things I shouldn't have, being able to do things I theoretically shouldn't have - all contributed to my early acknowledgement of my "abilities" and my lifelong quest to understand and work with them.

As a result, I've been all over the map spiritually and indeed, what a long strange trip it's been - and have come to the conclusion that everyone is right - for themselves.

My Path is not yours and yours is not mine. We might walk side by side for a while, and we're going to end up at the same Place, but your Path is not mine.

I believe that there is indeed only One Ultimate Being, however It is so Ultimate that we are unable to comprehend It as a whole and have to break it into separate Truths. But no matter what, they are aspects of the One.

Anyway, my Pedigree as it were - early teen years, dabbled in La Vey magick (psychic puberty) because it was raw Power and it was fun.

Mid teens, (17) began study at Ravenwood - or as I affectionately call it, "Famous Witch School" - here I was taught in an amalgamation of Traditions: Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Brittani, Strega and Celtic, all of which eventually coalesced into what is now the Ravenwood tradition.

At about the age of 20, I came across a book called "The Spiral Dance" and it signalled the beginning of the end of my active relationship with Ravenwood - I became disenchanted with the politics and became Solitary - interacting only as a social function not as a religious one.

All the while, continuing my research and work - after moving to Miami in 1983, I became involved with a rather diverse group of folks, Burt, Mark, Vicky, Renee, George and Ben; together we explored everything from medium work to Santeria (disclaimer: at no time during study was an animal involved )

These experiences helped me to realize the Truth behind All is that there is only One.

After moving back to Atlanta in early 1985, I continued my Solitary path, however kept in association with my friends in Miami, going down on occasion to celebrate Samhein or Beltane, and act as a sort of Elder in addition to maintaining peripheral ties to Ravenwod.

I came across a group in Lawrenceville around 1989 - while my association with them didn't last long due to a basic philosophical incompatibility (I'll cover this for you later, Andrea) it did serve to create a study group consisting of Shawn, Amy, Greg, John, and Bryon.

Of this group, Amy was Wiccan, Greg was Wizardyn, John was Spiritual, Shawn was whatever, and Bryon was questioning. It was shortly after this group dissolved that I met your Grandpa Don.

To this day, I have refrained from active involvement in any group because I don't like politics mixed with my religion. No matter the group and no matter how well intentioned, politics eventually come into play and if you're not prepared, will end up tainting the group.

I think this covers enough basics for now; if I'm still around when you're capable of understanding what I've written on a deeper level, come tell me and I'll try to fill in the blanks for you.

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