I've refrained from posting my political views because I honestly believe that politics should remain personal, with my only soapbox being that you have to vote. Voting isn't optional, it's a requirement for us as a society to implement change and let our voices be heard. (You'll hear that a lot from me, darling, so get used to it.)
Anyway, yesterday on June 3 2008, history was made.
For the first time in our nation's history, an African American, Senator Barak Obama presumptively gained the Democratic party nomination for the Presidential race. I say presumptive only because it's not official until the Democratic Convention, just as Senator John McCain is only the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party for the same reason.
Mind you, they both have their Parties nominations. Each has the required delegates to cinch their nominations, and the Conventions are only a formality.
This was a hard fought battle between Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Obama, with Hillary running a very close second to Barak, however the people have spoken and Senator Obama will be the Democratic nominee.
Now for a little prognostication on my part. Back in the beginning of this race I said (and Grandpa Don can verify this for you) that it was going to be an Obama/Clinton ticket, and I still hold to that.
I say that Obama will nominate Hillary Clinton to be his Vice President.
Whether or not I'm right will have to wait for the convention, however it's what's being called a "Dream Ticket"... the two biggest front runners in the Democratic race united to bring down the Republican nightmare that has been the Bush administration. (Sorry, I'll stop now)
Historically, there has been one other administration in recent history that did the same thing - the Kennedy Johnson ticket of 1960.
I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that McCain's choice for VP will probably be Mitt Romney.
We'll see if I'm right.
Enough for now, I'm on the verge of going off on a political rant.
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