Friday, June 20, 2008

Minor correction

I'd stated previously that out of the 100 gladiola I'd planted (minus the approximately 5 those damn tree rats got) I had the potential for a bloom off of only one.
Well, in doing my usual daily check of the gardens, I made the happy discovery of another glad that might be blooming. I say "might" only because when you plant 100 of something and only get 2 to bloom, it's better to err on the side of caution. (Additional note, the first one I found that should bloom shortly is going to be a rich purple color...I'll post a picture of it when it blooms)
That being said, the picture I have of the two sunflower seedlings is all that remains of them.
It seems that sunflower sprouts are apparently a delicacy with chipmunks. That being the case, one of those little ground rats nabbed both the sprouts.
So I'm back to the drawing board with them, although I do have one growing in a pot about 3 feet off the ground, and a couple more hopefully safely hidden in the side yard garden.
I had signed on with the Sunflower Project to monitor bee activity in my area, and they sent a number of sunflower seeds also. Now I understand why I didn't get a single sprout off those.
Apparently I've been running something of a buffet for rodents and they've been having a field day.
Only time will tell about the side yard though - I've been carefully monitoring, and as of today they're still there. I won't make any guarantee about tomorrow though.
I won't be transplanting the one in the pot into the yard until it's beyond anything a chipmunk or squirrel or any other rodent can nip off.
Blessed Litha, little darling!

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