Friday, August 14, 2009

Late night ramblings

Don't know what I'm going to say, I'm just going to go with a free form kind of post for a little while.
Jessica, if you're reading this, then I harangued your father and he worked on your laptop tonight. What that means in the grand scheme of things I have no earthly idea. But he did reformat the thing.
This will tell me whether or not you really do read the blog by the way.
I don't think I'll mention it to you other than this post.
Yeah, I'm evil. But you know that. Andrea, please remember to ask your mother how long it took to get her laptop. She'll regale you for hours about your Grandpa Don.
Anyway, the knee still hurts. I have problems for a few minutes after sitting down then standing, the knee doesn't want to go with the program.
Dr's appt is Monday the 17th, (this is Friday the 14th) so I think I'll wait to see him rather than making an earlier appointment.
As of now, surgery is off the table.
I went through hell with my feet, I'm not about to repeat something like that with my knee.
Anyway, enough rambling, I'll catch you up on more later.

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