Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reunions again

God love Facebook - unbelievably, (at least for me) I've recently been able to reconnect with family from my past. Gaelen and Joyce Gilbert. We haven't been in touch for over 15 years.
Andrea, you're my grand-niece, however Gaelen is my nephew - exactly what that's going to make him to you only time will tell. He's a great kid, although I'm basing that on what I know of his mother, and how she raised him. And of course, my experiences with him from the time he was a gleam in his father's eye.
His father was Gene Gilbert, also known to me as Lord Adrian, a 2nd degree High Priest at Ravenwood. And his wife was the Lady Helena. Both were dear friends of mine, and for a long time indeed they were the family structure I depended on.
I grew to know her mother, Hattie, and Gene's mother, Sarah - and when Hattie was dying, I moved in with them so that Joyce could spend as much time at the hospital as she needed.
I got the kids off to school in the morning and I got Gene home from work at night, with money in his pocket to boot. (He was working as a waiter at Limerick Junction, an "Irish" pub in Virginia Highlands)
That's another story - I'll have to cover it later.
And then, a month after Jo's mother died, Sam died.
Anyway, Joyce has always been like a sister to me - we fell apart shortly after the last time she and Gene broke up... and she moved from Lake Lanier back down to Griffin.
Shortly after this, Grandpa Don and I broke up ... and things kinda went to hell and I lost touch with her, and didn't persue contact.
But thanks to Facebook, I found them again.

Not to mention finding Camille - (Muffy) - I've known her since the days before Internet - back when you had to dial into a common server to chat or interact with a limited number of a matter of fact, from the same BBS that I met your Grandpa Don on.

Ain't it grand?

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