Friday, December 7, 2007


Andrea, your Uncle Merlin is a romantic. Not just your garden variety romantic, but what I believe is the last of a dying breed, the Southern Gentleman. I'm unerringly polite, I say "sir" and "ma'am" (and around me you will too. Believe me.) and I have certain standards I adhere to.
What does that have to do with the topic? I'm getting there.
When I ask someone out on a date, especially a first date, I expect that it's a real date. Since I asked them out, I will be providing transportation and activity for the evening, with their only real responsibility allowing me to enjoy their company and see if date #2 is called for.
That's how I was raised. I'm the man, ergo I pay when I ask someone on a date.
Sexist? Sorta, yeah. Do I give a shit? Nope.
The reason for this rant is because I recently encountered shock from someone I asked out when I mentioned these standards - apparently he was expecting to have to go Dutch.
Have standards changed so much? I know I'm old school, but I won't surrender my principles.
Okay, I've vented.

But you're still going to be using "sir" and "ma'am" around me. That's a requirement and simple manners.
But your dating issues are your mother's responsibility - have fun with that.
( guess what chickens have come home to roost, Jess )

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