Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007 Dinner - countdown

It's 12:15p Christmas Day, 2007 - company's due to arrive starting at 3ish, with dinner at around 5:30.
Right now, I'm being very bad and having 2 cups of leaded coffee (okay, probably 3) prior to starting the prep for the meal.
First on the agenda, getting the potatoes prepped. The recipe I'm using for the scalloped potatoes calls for peeled potatoes, however I prefer skin on, so that's how they're getting done. Thankfully, I have a mandoline, so prep for the scalloped potatoes will be a breeze.
Then, it'll be time to get the roast in and start on the brussel sprouts.
Once they're prepped, I'll tackle the cauliflower - I'm debating doing it whole head vs. bite size pieces - I guess I'll decide that shortly.
Pull out the dinner roll dough from the freezer and get them rising, then start the salad prep.

You see Andrea, all those years I spent in restaurant kitchens pays off - I can still pull off something like this dinner with excellent timing.

Plans are to start with a few "nummies for the tummies" as we call them, in this case it's St Brendan's Irish Liquer - and some minor munchies and a quick social call on one of the neighbors, Renee.
Okay, coffee cup's empty now so it's time to start prepping.
More later.

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