Friday, January 4, 2008

Down to the wire

Well Andrea, it's nigh on 2 weeks until you're expected to arrive (your Mom still says January 18th, but I still think you'll be a little later than that, probably around the 21st to the 23rd - after all, why be a Capricorn when you can be an Aquarius? )

Am I thrilled?

Sweetie, you have no idea how thrilled I am. You're all I talk about to anyone.

My only regret is that your parents are currently living in a frozen wasteland called Missouri, so I can't be there for your arrival. Uncle Merlin doesn't do snow.

Now that the nightmare that is Christmas shipping is over, I'll be sending you some bears - two new ones, and my old childhood friend, Pinky, for starters.

Mind you, this is only the beginning. Because, young lady, I have every intention of spoiling you absolutely rotten (and have the time of my life doing it too.)

I just have to remember that I promised your Mom not to send anything bigger than you until you're walking.

Believe me, that's going to be one promise I'm going to find hard to keep. I'm already trying to figure out how to get some big (and when I say big, I mean BIG) stuffed animals on a plane without having to resort to paying for a seat for 'em - not to worry, given my promise, I still have at least a year and a couple of months to go before really worrying out those logistics.

Regardless of how it works itself out, you'll have some gi-normous bears around when you start walking.
You're going to be one lucky little lady - I think there's going to be some serious competition as to who can spoil you the most - but don't worry, I'm planning on winning that battle.

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